I like speaking and teaching, these are a few of the appearances I've made

This is something I'd like to do more, if you have a suggestion for a venue or a subject you'd like to hear me talk or teach about, please reach out!


A Practical Guide for Migrating to Server Components

React Advanced London, October 20th 2023

At the React Advanced conference I gave a practical talk about how to incrementally migrate to Server Components. I used the Next.js pages and app directories as well as React Query as examples and showed how to initially keep as much of your existing mental model as possible when tackling the migration.

The future of React Server Rendering

PriceRunner Tech Meetup, 2019

In this talk I went through all the exciting changes to server rendering React was at that point only planning, in the form of streaming, server components and other things. I put them all into a context of what problems they were solving and the experiences they were improving.

Writing noscript-websites with React

Stockholm ReactJS Meetup #5 at SVT, November 2017

At this meetup I did a deep dive into building React websites where JS is treated as a progressive enhancement. Heavy on server rendering, Webpack configs and declarative abstractions on top of Redux to automatically serialize all actions into url-state and back. Sadly the video is no longer online.


Rendering on the server

Frontend Greatness Podcast, January 2021

I join A-P Koponen on the Frontend Greatness podcast to talk about server rendering, metaframeworks vs custom setups, server components and a lot more.

Workshops and teaching

React Hooks


After hooks first came out I held a workshop series teaching them.

React Testing Library


A workshop about React Testing Library and some internal abstractions we built on top of it to help make testing easier and move from primarily unit-testing to include more integration tests.

Redux patterns and selectors


This was a workshop about Redux patterns and best practices in general with a particular focus on selectors.